Kama.Sport and Bologna Fc 1909 announce a new revolutionary partnership

Kama. Sport and Bologna announce a new technology partnership aimed at improving the club's efficiency, productivity, and performance.

Milan, 2 February 2023 Serie A football club Bologna Fc 1909 joins forces with Kama Sport, a leading software and data science developer, to create an even more efficient and successful football experience.

Technology at the service of football

Modern football is experiencing an era of growth and development thanks to the increasing emphasis on data, software, and technological innovation. The day-to-day management of a football club requires the use of multiple software packages that are often not compatible with one another. Kama.Sport has created an innovative solution that integrates all functionalities and data into a single platform, thereby optimizing the efficiency and quality of the work of each department, from the first team to the youth sector.

The Club's goal is to centralize all information, which is currently collected in different software, computers, hard disks, cloud solutions, and spreadsheets, within their own dedicated area on Kama’s proprietary platform. This will speed up, integrate, and enhance the daily work of all the Club's departments. Once all the data - from the youth sector, first team, and scouting - is integrated, Kama.Sport will implement its knowledge and technology in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, following the Club's guidelines, in order to ensure a constant level of growth in innovation and enhance the Club's identity and playing principles.

The first team at the heart of innovation

The Kama platform integrates all major training analysis technologies, such as GPS, heart rate monitors, cameras, and drones. Data and videos are automatically organized on a single page, making it easier for coaches and players to access them and making their experience faster and more user-friendly. Customization of data visualizations allows you to choose your favorite graphs, indicators, or graphical interfaces. In addition, Kama's data science department is available to support the coaching staff in specific scientific studies if required.

Match analysis of the highest quality

Kama's match analysis module offers high-quality data and depth, integrating data from Instat, Opta, tactical cameras, and tracking data. This tool allows you to extrapolate video clips and data reports with a single click.

360-degree scouting

The scouting area of Bologna Fc 1909 now has at its disposal an advanced module that allows the performance of target players to be analyzed at 360 degrees. The constantly updated database, data readings, and analysis tools will support the staff to scout player profiles according to their own strategies, and technical, tactical, and athletic needs, allowing the quick mapping and in-depth analysis of hundreds of thousands of players all over the world.

Bologna Fc 1909 and Kama Sport join forces to further enhance the prestige and professionalism of Italian football through digital transition and cutting-edge technology.

Claudio Fenucci, CEO of Bologna Fc 1909 said: "The collaboration with Kama Sport allows us to integrate the different functionalities and data into a single platform, thus optimizing the efficiency and quality of the work of every department of the club, from the first team to the scouting team to the youth sector. With the help of cutting-edge technology, we are ready to maintain a constant level of growth in innovation, enhance scouting capabilities and performance analysis".

Rabii Jendoubi, Sales Executive at Kama Sport commented: "Technology is changing as the way we see and play football continues to evolve. The integration of information and the creation of a centralized solution combined with the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning will allow us to work more effectively and make data-driven decisions. We are proud to collaborate with Bologna Fc 1909 and to support Italian football to move decisively towards an even brighter future'. a procedere deciso verso un futuro ancor più luminoso”.